Taylo Biomed 20

TayloBiomed 20 Inj
Wide spectrum antibiotic

Each 1 mL contains:
Tylosin (As Tartrate) 200 mg
Excipients ad   1 ml

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TayloBiomed 20 Inj
Wide spectrum antibiotic
Each 1 mL contains:
Tylosin (As Tartrate) 200 mg
Excipients ad.1 mL
A macrolide antibiotic that is mainly active against Gm+ve, some Gm-ve bacteria,large viruses, certain spirochaetes, and mycoplasma.
TayloBiomed 20 is indicated in all conditions associated with bacteria sensitive to tylosin which includes organisms in the following genera: Streptococcus, Bacillus,
Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Clostridium, Campylobacter, Spirochaetes,Mycoplasma, Fusiformis, Pasteurella, Chlamydia.
TayloBiomed 20 injection has been successfully used in respiratory and genitourinary tract infections, otitis, cellulitis, and secondary bacterial conditions
associated with virus disease or postoperative infections, rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis,
bronchitis, and pneumonia in large and small ruminants, infectious agalactia in sheep
and goats, arthritis of mycoplasmic origin, vibriosis in cows and sheep.
Specific disease entities treated successfully with Tylorate include foul in the foot,
mastitis, and calf pneumonia in cattle.
TayloBiomed 20 is indicated for the treatment of respiratory infections, metritis caused by Gram-positive microorganisms, mastitis caused by Gram-positive microorganisms, or Mycoplasma spp.
Cattle and calves: 4 to 10 mg per kg bodyweight daily (2.0 – 5.0 ml / 100 kg bodyweight/day).
▪ If there is no response to treatment in 3 days, diagnosis and treatment should be reassessed.
▪ The maximum injection volume for cattle is limited to 15 ml per injection site.
Sheep and Goats: 10 mg per kg bodyweight daily (2.5 ml / 50 kg bodyweight) for 3
Administration method
by intramuscular injection
▪ Meat from treated cattle  shouldn’t be used during treatment and within 28 days from the last treatment.
▪ Meat and offal from treated sheep and goat shouldn’t be used during treatment and  within 42 days from the last treatment.
▪ Milk from treated sheep and goats shouldn’t be used during treatment and within 108 hours from the last treatment.
▪ Milk from treated cattle shouldn’t be used during treatment and within 108 hours from the last treatment.
▪ For administration by the intramuscular route only.
▪ Use different injection sites for repeat injections.
▪ Do not mix with other injectable solutions.
▪ Do not administer to horses or other equines in which injection of tylorate may
be fetal.
STORAGE: Keep in dry, dark place below 30 °C.


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