Oxy Biomed 30 LA

Oxy Biomed 30 LA
Wide spectrum antibiotic

Each 1 mL contains:
Oxytetracycline  300 mg
Excipients ad      1 ml

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OxyBiomed 30 LA
Wide spectrum antibiotic

Each 1 mL contains:

Oxytetracycline300 mg

Excipients ad.1 mL

A broad spectrum antibiotic against susceptible Gm+ve bacteria (Staph, Strept,Coryne, Clostridia, Erysipelothrix) and Gmve bacteria (E.coli,Pasteurella, Actinobacillus, Moraxella), Mycoplasma, Protozoa, Haemophilus, Spirochaetes,Chlamydia, Leptospira, Rickettsia, Listeria, and some large viruses. Provides therapeutic effectiveness of up to (4) days duration following a single treatment. Well tolerated and distributed rapidly and extensively throughout the body tissues, reaching its peak level in a short time and remaining active for a long period

For Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Buffaloes, Camels. Treatment of different cases: Shipping fever, Wooden Tongue (Actinobacillus), Pink eye (Bovine and ovine kerato conjunctivitis “Moraxella”), Dysagalactia, Foot rot, Calf diphtheria. Anaplasmosis (Theileriosis) and Heart water in cattle (Ehrlichia “Rickettsia”), Red water of calves (Leptospira). Enzootic abortion (Chlamydiosis) in sheep and goats. Clostridial infections: Enterotoxaemia (Lamb dysentery, Black leg, Malignant oedema). Scours,enteritis, diarrhea. Septicaemia, Pyaemia, Peritonitis, Navel / JointIll, wounds, and skin infections, abscesses. Supportive therapy in mastitis.
Respiratory tract infections:
Bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, etc. Urinary tract infections: Nephritis,
Pyelonephritis, Cystitis. Genital tract infections: Metritis, Puerperal Sepsis, etc.
Control of postoperative and postparturient in

By deep intramuscular injection.
Cattle, Buffaloes, Camels, Sheep, Goats:1 ml per 10 kg B.wt. in one single dose.
In severe cases, repeat the injection dose after 3-5 days. Inject no more than (20 ml) in cattle, buffaloes, and camels and no more than (5 ml) in sheep, goats, sand pigs to be
given at the same site
For meat consumption: 28 days. For milk consumption: 4 days.
Not recommended for horses, dogs, and cats.
Divide the dosage into separate injection sites to minimize local tissue irritation.
Transient localized swelling may occur at the site of injection for a few days.
Occasional allergic reactions may occur, in such cases, discontinue use and give antihistaminic (epinephrine, etc.) immediately, besides symptomatic treatment, if necessary. Not given with penicillins, calcium, and iron preparations as interference action may occur.
STORAGE: Keep in a dry, dark place below 30 °C


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